Completing a degree from a cosmetology school in Phoenix is an excellent way to set yourself up for success in the beauty industry. Not only does it provide you with the necessary skills and certifications, but it also gives you access to career opportunities that can take your career to the next level! From salon owners and hair stylists to makeup artists and product developers, there are plenty of exciting possibilities (for those) who have earned their cosmetology degree.

One of the most popular paths for graduates is becoming a full-time salon professional. In this role, cosmetologists use their knowledge and training to provide clients with treatments such as haircuts, colorings, blowouts, styling services, and more. Furthermore, they may even get involved in special events like weddings or photo shoots! It's hard work but highly rewarding – not just financially but also emotionally as one gets to see firsthand how their skill makes people feel good about themselves.

In addition to working directly with clients in salons or spas, many licensed cosmetologists go on to open their own businesses. For some this can mean starting a mobile service where they bring all of the equipment needed right to customers' homes; whereas others might choose to operate an independent shop or partner up with other professionals in order create a larger studio space. With the help of modern technology such as online booking systems and social media platforms, entrepreneurs can quickly establish themselves within their local communities while providing valuable services at competitive rates.

For those looking for something outside of traditional roles within the beauty sector then consider exploring fields like education or research & development. Here individuals can put their expertise into practice by sharing it with others through teaching classes or developing products/protocols that improve existing services/techniques used in professional settings. Also don't forget about marketing/promotion which is key when it comes to getting your name out there! And lastly don't discount self-employment either – now more than ever freelancers are thriving thanks newfound flexibility offered by online job marketplaces like UpWork or Fiverr which give professionals control over what type projects they want pursue without sacrificing earning potential.

Overall there are tons of career opportunities available after completing a degree from a cosmetology school in Phoenix ranging from direct client service roles all way up autonomous positions like entrepreneurism - so explore your options and find what works best for you! After all these years spent honing your craft why not make most out of it?